
Early Orthodontic Treatment of Major Maxillo-Facial Deformities: Prevention of Orthognatic Surgery

by Fellus Patrick

Pediatric orthodontics is not a trend or a niche for new patients, but a global philosophy, allowing children to have optimal growth, by promoting the correction of dysfunctions and the correction of dysmorphoses. However, it cannot be reduced to the use of prefabricated devices, nor to an adaptation of techniques specific to the adolescent and it must exclude any traumatic intervention for the young child. Early orthodontics is based on different fundamentals, among which the normalization of functions and the potential for growth are key elements that make time an ally of our treatments. Then to maintain the results and avoid the relapses, we have to understand how can we accompany the patient in his global growth, and how can be find a functional balance that will last over the years and not only when the patient is doing the right thing on purpose. For that we need to reach the automation and we'll see how the anoetic approach, also called the passive approach we'll help us to reach this point thanks to the work of Eric Kandel. The work and clinical results obtained after 45 years of practice mainly on children from 3 to 9 years old have recently been rewarded by the French Academy of Dental Surgery and will be presented in this conference.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to make a proper diagnose on a young patient
After this lecture, you will be able to know what kind of treatment can be proposed to this patient
After this lecture, you will be able to discover the passive functional approach to reach the automation